- 論文の詳細を見る
Shelley and his colaborators reported that the blood basophil cell undergoes degranulation durnig the antigen-antibody reaction, and that this basophil degranulation may be used as a indicator of allergic sensitivity which parallels intensity with specific circulating antibody in any allergic state. The author attempted to confirm their observation by studying basophil degranulation induced by adding the antigens to the sera of the patients and guinea pigs known to be sensitive to "Maiko" and to the sera of the house dust sensitive subjects. The author employed the indirect tehcnique described by Shelley in 1962, in which basophils obtained from the buffy coat of rabbit blood are placed on slides prestained with neutral red, and sera from sensitive guinea pigs or human subjects are added to it, and then challenged with specific antigen. The criteria of the positive test was the same as described by Shelley. 1) Indirect basophil degranulation test, using as the antigen 40% and 60% saturated ammonium sulphate precipitated fraction from "Makio" extract, proved positive in the majority of the persons exposed to "Maiko", and proved negative in the majority of the persons without exposure to "Maiko". 2. When the author used house dust extract as antigen, this test proved positive in the most of the house dust sensitive patients, but negative in the house dust non-sensitive men. 3) On the guinea pigs actively sensitized with "Maiko" and not provocated, the test using "Maiko" antigen, proved positive in all cases, however after provocated inhalation with "Maiko", the most cases become negative, and the majority of the non-sensitized control animals proved negative. The author concluded that the test seems to be specific and useful means to detect the hypersensitive state.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1967-05-30
- アレルギー性呼吸器疾患に関する研究(第1報)
- 16. 蚕の蛾の鱗毛による吸入性喘息について(II喘息)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 222.一方にのみ気管支喘息の出現した一卵性双生児についての2, 3の検討(喘息-病態生理IV)
- 30.コンニャク喘息におけるRASTの検討(IgGとレアギン)
- (88) 気管支喘息発症機序に関する研究(第1報)(喘息〔III〕)
- Short-Term Sensitizing Anaphylactie IgG Antibody(IgG S-T S)に関する研究(第1報) : こんにやく喘息症例におけるIgG S-T Sについて
- 職業性喘息におけるRASTの有用性についての研究
- 2.コンニャク喘息を中心とした当教室における減感作療法の治療成績(2 特異的減感作療法)
- コンニャク生産地以外で発見せるコンニャク喘息の2症例
- 88.気管支喘息発症機序に関する研究(第1報)(喘息III)
- 15. 気管支喘息における気道粘膜上皮の線毛運動に関する研究 : 第1報 実験的こんにゃく喘息について(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 5.気管支喘息における気道上皮の線毛運動に関する研究 第2報(一般関連演題)
- 2.こんにやく喘息についての Indirect basophil degranulation test の検討(一般関連演題)
- 16.気管支喘息患者に対するIntalの使用経験 : コンニャク喘息に関する成績も含めて(Disodium Cromoglicate(インタール)の臨床使用成績)
- 気管支喘息における間接的好塩基球脱顆粒試験の検討