- 論文の詳細を見る
For the proper understanding of the mechanism of antibody formation in the immune apparatus of atopic individuals, it is suggested that quantitative immunoglobulin levels and antibody response are very inportant. So, the present study was undertaken to clarify the mechanism of antibody formation by the following three methods. 1. Total serum protein and electrophoretic analyses of serum protein. There was no difference in the protein values between the normal and the asthmatic children. Electrophoretic analyses of serum protein revealed α-globulin and α_2globulin in the asthmatic children were somewhat higher than those in the control group. 2. Quantitative IgG, IgAand gIM determinations. Immunoglobulins were determined quantitatively with an immunoplate. A statistically significant elevation of IgA was sene in the asthmatic group, whereas in the case of IgG and IgM, no significant difference was noted between the asthmatic and the control group. 3. Antibody response. The allergic children were given inactivated measles virus vaccine and live attenuated measles vaccine at monthly inteval. Measles neutralizing antibody titers of allergic children were significantly lower than those of the control children. Besides, asthmatic chidlren were given inactivated japanese. B. encephalitis virus vaccine. The virus hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers of these children were also lower than those of the control children. Therefore, the data suggest that the antibody response to the virus in allergic children might be suppressed.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1969-04-30
- 健康小児の血清免疫グロブリン(IgG, IgA, IgM)年令別正常値および正常範囲に関する一考察
- (104) アレルギー小児の抗体産生能について(抗体の産生とその抑制)
- 気管支喘息及び前段階における2, 3の免疫学的考察
- 20. Herpes Kaposiの1例(第65回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会 第446回千葉医学会例会)
- 48)千葉県下小学校児童における気管支喘息の頻度について(第428回千葉医学会例会,第64回日本小児科学会千葉地方会総会)
- 42. 気管支喘息患児へのヒスタグロビン使用経験(第454回千葉医学会例会 第66回日本小児学会千葉地方会総会)
- 12)小児期気管支喘息における免疫グロブリンの動態および抗体産生能に関する研究(アレルギー,第43回千葉医学会総会,第12回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会,第5回日医医学講座)
- 7 小児期気管支喘息に於ける免疫グロブリンの動態について(II喘息)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- アレルギー性小児の血清免疫グロブリン量並びに抗体産生能に関する研究