12. 唾液-血清反応における Kininogenase 及び Kininase 活性の生物学的分離定量法と Kinins の歯周病発症過程における役割について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Kininogenase activity in human saliva-serum mixture in which boty kininogenase and kininase contained was selectively determined by biological method with help of reduced form of glutathione (GSH), a potent kininase inhibiter. Inhibitory power of GSH was much stronger than that of hitherto known kininase inhibitors such as cysteine, thioglycollate and EDTA-Ca. Fifty per cent inhition of GSH for serum kininase was at the concentration of 6 × l0-^5 M. Pharmacological effects of kinin such as hypotensive effect and smooth muscle stimulating effect were greatly augmented when GSH was administered. However, GSH itself, even in high concentration, had no effect when kinins were absent. Determination of kininase activity in the mixture or in serum was performed with help of kininogenase inhibitor Trasylol^[○!R]. Dose of Trasylol more than 300 KIU was required to stop the activity of 1 ml saliva. Trasylol itself had no effect on the activity of kininase and on the contractility of isolated guinea pig ileum. Using Trasylol and GSH, a method selectively determining kinin forming and destroying activity was established (Fig. 1). Kininogenase activity of mixed saliva was extremely high in the first stage (P_1) and late stage P_3-P_4) of alveolar pyorrhea. Kininase activity of human serum was relatively low compared with that of other animals. There was no sighificant difference between the activity of the patient with pyorrhea and that of healthy man. Following the injection of the mixture into gingiva, marked inflammatory response was produced. From these results it is assumed that kinins formed in oral cavity under various conditions played a important role for the development of periodontal disease.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1969-06-30
松本 昌世
竹谷 和視
愛知学院大学 歯学部 薬理
今村 多恵
愛知学院大学 歯学部 薬理学教室
加藤 三枝子
愛知学院大学 歯学部 薬理学教室
加藤 三枝子
愛知学院大学歯学部 薬理学教室
松本 昌世
今村 多恵
愛知学院大学歯学部 薬理学教室
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- 8.歯周疾患における歯肉組織のKininase活性について(第2報)(第16回 日本歯周病学会総会一般講演要旨)
- 12.Alloxan糖尿病におけるKininの血管透過性亢進作用の変化について(第13回日本歯周病学会総会一般講演要旨)
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- ヒト歯牙コラーゲン中^C蓄積と大気圏内核実験との相関
- 1.Kininsの歯周病における病因的意義に関する研究 : 歯周病患者血清の免疫拡散板法によるKinin形成条件の検討(一般講演,第12回日本歯周病学会総会)
- 21.唾液-血清反応によるKininの生成と炎性歯周疾患との関係(一般講演,第11回日本歯周病学会総会)
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- 12. 唾液-血清反応における Kininogenase 及び Kininase 活性の生物学的分離定量法と Kinins の歯周病発症過程における役割について
- 2.Glutathioneによるkinin効果の増大とその応用(第4回プラスマキニン研究会)
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