- 論文の詳細を見る
It is very difficult to measure the flow patterns within rotating elements of a torque converter due to the complicated construction. In this study, three-dimensional incompressible turbulent flow within a pump impeller of a torque converter was analyzed numerically at three different speed ratios between the pump and the turbine. The governing equations involving the standard k-ε model in the physical component tensor form were solved with a boundary-fitted coordinate system fixed on the rotating impeller. The computed results were compared with those obtained by the flow visualization and good agreement between them was obtained. Moreover, the results at the three speed ratios were also examined in order to clarify the behavior of secondary flow patterns in detail. The results showed that the structures of secondary flow patterns were influenced by the correlations among the intensities of the Coriolis force and the centrifugal forces caused by the passage curvature in the meridional plane and the blade curvature on the blade-to-blade surface.
- 1993-08-25
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