過熱水蒸気中への水の蒸発特性 : 第1報,ホログラフィ実時間干渉法を用いた蒸発液面における熱伝達特性
- 論文の詳細を見る
Convective heat transfer characteristics at the evaporating surface of water in laminar streams of superheated steam have been investigated experimentally and compared to air by means of a real-time holographic interferometry technique. The situation considered here is a laminar boundary layer flow of superheated steam or air over a water surface. Surface temperature and thermal gradient at the water surface are determined from the visualization obtained by holographic interferometer and the temperature is measured both in the gas phase and liquid phase under adiabatic evaporation conditions. Temperature profiles in a thermal boundary layer of superheated steam and air are different because the superheated steam is a real gas with radiative participation. The local and average Nusselt numbers at water surface are calculated from the thermal gradient and evaporation rate respectively, which are compared with those of a flat plate for the same Reynolds number. It has been confirmed here that, for the adiabatic evaporation, the convective heat transfer characteristics at an evaporating surface are similar to those of a flat plate.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1989-12-25
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