低圧軸流送風機の騒音に与える翼先端すきまの影響 : すきま内に設置した一シグの幅と位置および翼先端の形状による差異
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of the width and the location of a ring set in the clearance between a duct inner wall and a blade tip and the profile of a blade tip on fan noise are experimentally investigated by using three rings of different widths and four impellers with different tip geometry. The results are summarized as follows : A considerable amount of noise reduction can be expected by setting a ring within a tip clearance, when its initial gap is rather large. Both the noise and the aerodynamic characteristics at the maximum efficiency point are better in the case with a larger gap on the leading edge side than on the trailing edge side. In the lower flow rate range, however, the fan with a smaller tip clearance on the leading edge side is superior.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1986-03-25
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