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A particle tracking velocimetry method utilizing an intensified CCD camera and a laser light sheet was applied to quantify the surrounding gas entrainment into an intermittent non-evaporating diesel spray. The ambient gas was seeded by light particles and the two dimensional velocity of the surrounding gas was measured at several positions and times during the spray injection. A double-spark-back light photography method employing two nano-spark light sources was used to measure the temporal and spatial distributions of the instantaneous two-dimensional droplet velocity and the size-velocity correlation of droplets were obtained. Results of the ambient gas and droplets velocity were used to describe the droplets and surrounding gas interaction. The maximum velocity of the ambient gas was about 1/10 of droplets velocity which was much lower than the spray tip velocity. Entrainment of droplets into the spray started at t=200μs from the injection start and at the middle of injection period most of droplets were following the ambient gas flow and entraining into the spray.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1998-09-25
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