二次元モデルから発生する空力騒音の実験的研究 : 第2報, 円柱の傾斜角度と角柱の迎え角の発生音への影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
Control of the aerodynamic noise generated from two-dimensional circular and square cylinders are studied experimentally in a low noise wind tunnel. The circular cylinder of 1cm diameter is inclined against the mean flow, whereas the square cylinder of 1cm^2 cross section is placed normal to the mean flow, with various angles of attack. Mean velocity of the flow is between 20.6m/s and 41.6m/s. Powere spectra of the radiated noise in various angles of inclination or angles of attack are measured in order to examine the changes in peak levels and the Strouhal numbers of the so-called Aeolian tones. For the circular cylinder, it is found that the Strouhal number based on the frequency of the Aeolian tone and the normal component of the mean velocity to the axis of the circular cylinder stays nearly constant for the angle between 0° and 45°. The peak level of the radiated noise decreases rapidly from the inclined angle from 0° to 15°. but it stays nearly constant for the angle over 15°. For the square cylinder, the Strouhal number is smallest and the peak level is highest at the angle of attack of 0°. The peak level decreases and the Strouhal number increases rapidly with increase of angle of attack up to 13°. For the angle above 15°, both the Strouhal number and the peak level stay almost constant. It is concluded that a circular cylinder should be inclined more than 15°. and a square cylinder should have an angle of attack well over 15° in order to reduce aerodynamic noise generation.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-06-25
山田 彰二
丸田 芳幸
(株)荏原総合研究所 技術研究センター
藤田 肇
白石 純一
槇 浩幸
丸田 芳幸
山田 彰二
三菱電機(株) 先端技術総合研究所 機械システム技術部
丸田 芳幸
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