- 論文の詳細を見る
Deflagration in a densified condensed medium is studied theoretically to investigate the basic nature of combustion synthesis. On the basis of an analogy to spray combustion, governing equations are obtained for the combustion system of premixed combustibles with a nonpremixed process of dispersed nonmetal particles in liquid metal. The analysis is reduced to a problem of obtaining an eigenvalue which is related to burning velocity. Calculated results show that the eigenvalue depends on the Lewis number, the surface Damkohler number, the initial temperature, the mixture ratio of nonmetal to metal, and the degree of dilution by the combustion product. The range of flammability is also predicted. Fair agreement is demonstrated between the predicted results and the experimental data in the literature, as far as the trend and the approximate magnitude are concerned.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1992-06-25
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