スパン方向すきまをもつ粗さ要素により変形を受けた乱流境界層 : 第1報, 中心断面における平均流特性
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The centerline development of a turbulent boundary layer flow through a gap in an isolated wall-mounted roughness element has been studied experimentally. The effect of gap size was examined at a Reynolds number of 3300, based on obstacle height and free stream velocity. The magnitude of the distortion produced by the gap varies with gap size, but the downstream tendency of the mean velocity profile is almost similar, independent of gap size. Mean flow properties show maximum distortions at about four gap sizes downstream of the gap. Well downstream of the gap, it is shown that all three centerline flows are similar, and are different from that of undisturbed flow.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1991-11-25
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