黄銅系ウォームギヤの面圧強さに関する研究 : 第2報, スコーリング強さ
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For power transmission worm gears, the combination of phosphor bronze and hardened steel is commonly used. However, with the development of applications of synthetic lubricants, especially the advance of the lubrication technique, it has again been recognized as advantageous to substitute the phosphor bronze with a series of brass materials from the standpoint of saving resources, i. e., to reduce the component of copper. The pitting resistance, scoring durability, wear intensity, running-in and efficiency are regarded as the main aspects of performance being studied in wheel materials. The pitting resistances of wheels made from series of brass materials could obviously be determined from the simulation and real testing in the first report. In other words, although the marketed brass (BRB) has the same performance characteristics as described in the standard of JGMA, the improved high-tension brass (MBB) shows 3 times the loading capability of BRB, and it can be considered to be the same as the forged phosphor bronze. Since the performance against scoring was different from the fatigue strength studied in the previous report, this study was carried out.
- 1990-11-25
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