帝国主義形成期における日本海運業 : 日露戦後における東アジア交通網の成立
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This paper deals with the subject which will clarify the realities of the expansion of the Japanese regular lines in East Asian Sea area from the late 19th century, particularly after the Russo-Japanese War, and trace how the international traffic system which founded the base for the advance into Asia during the period forming the Japanese Imperialism was formed. The period after the Russo-Japanese War marked a very important epoch, for the Japanese shipping business achieved the independence which otherwise would have been directly under the threat of international strife in the circumstances of the imperialist world. It became manifest in two phases ; one, strengthening the international competitive ability by improving the ship-quality in the ocean lines based on the native ship-building industry (v., separate article) : two, forming the East Asian traffic system which combined the near-seas routes, the colonial and the home railways. The regular routes in the near-seas were opened with a great subscription corresponding to the Japanese foreign advance policy after the Sino-Japanese War. But these routes had not been united and scarecely related each other. Then after the Russo-Japanese War, while each route was expanded and unified, together with harbor improvements and railway constructions, they formed a new traffic system. Firstly, in Taiwan (台湾), the Japan and China routes were repleted by the companies heading Osaka Shosen Kaisha (大阪商船) which drove away British steamers and Chinese junks from China-Taiwan route, then completed a new traffic system the improving Jilong (基隆) and Gaoxiong (高雄) harbors and constructing railways running through the island. And in Korean Peninsula, Chosen Yusen (朝鮮郵船) established in 1912 improved the coastal service. Also the railway system connecting with home railways and South Manchuria Railway (南満州鉄道) was constructed, and Pusan (釜山) and Inchon (仁川) harbors were improved, so the traffic system extending over all peninsula was formed. In the result the reformation of the goods circulation was accelerated and the colonization of these areas, that is their subordination to the Japanese national economical circle, was promoted. Secondary, in Mainland China, in the Yangtze valley (長江流域), Nisshin Kisen (日清汽船), affiliation of four Japanese companies, was established in 1907, and strengthened their international competitive abilities and extended their power widely. Also in "Manchuria (満州)", both Dalian (大連) and Vladivostok routes were opened and each was connected with South Manchuria Railway or East China Railway (東清鉄道) and formed advance routes from both directions. Thus the transporting base for Japanese advance into China in main and sub axes was strengthened and the invasion into the continent was accerelated. Thirdly, these traffic system using Jilong and Shanghai (上海) as their jointing points was connected to the ocean lines. Then the international traffic and communication with Siberia Railways was actualized and it joined to the Conference of International communication via Siberia in 1910, so it was joined to Europe by land. Therefore it was joined in the global network of transportation. Thus, East Asian traffic system was founded in the early 1910s. This supplied the bases for Japan to put forward its colonialism and the advance into the Continent, as the result of the victory in the Russo-Japanese War, and assured the road towards the last Imperialism.
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