明治後期における海運政策の展開 : 遠洋航路補助策を中心に
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In the period between the Sino-Japanese War and the First World War the subsidizing Shipping policy, together with the railway policy, was one of the most important mainstay of the Industrial Foundation Improvement Policies; for whereas the railway policy concerned domestic phases, the subsidizing shipping policy concerned the external. Though the shipping policies have been interpreted as consecutive during our period, they can rightly be considered to have changed in their nature, namely to have come to bear imperialistic characteristics as Japan turned to be imperialistic after the Russo-Japanese War. This paper approaches this problem through the subsidizing policy for ocean lines. While the shipping policy in the end of the Sino-Japanese War had been that of expansion of all the ocean lines at large by increasing the number of ships including imported vessels, it turned to selective subsidization according to the kinds of the sea lane and the ship on condition that the ships used were home production. Behind this movement there were expansion of foreign sea lanes in keeping with the growth of the Japanese shipping business, growth of the shipbuilding industry, and the expansion of regular ocean lines. In this shift of the policy, the policy of shipping subsidy was central, and the policy characterised by the two-fold subsidy, shipping subsidy for particular lines for the purpose of maintaining lines dependent largely on imported ships and navigation bounty, was changed to that characterised by regulation of management mainly by means of the system of official approval of freight rates provided in the Law of Ocean Line Subsidy, which aimed at the expansion of the regular mail ocean lines dependent on the steamers of Japanese production. The purpose of the policy after the Russo-Japanese War was the expansion of the net of world-wide regular ocean lines through strengthening international competitiveness, which sharply manifested the intention to cope with the western shipping businesses. The keynote of the policy oriented to achieving an equal position with the western countries strongly reflected the then diplomatic climate in which Japan was admitted internationally into the group of imperialistic world Powers because of her victory over Russia. Japan's intention was crystalised into a rising position of the Japanese shipping business in the world, for the intervention of the Japanese government through the system of official approval of freight rates succeeded in setting to a low level the freight rates of the Shipping Conference of European and American lines, which had an promotive effect on Japanese exportation by reducing distribution cost. In intending to be among the world Powers, the subsidizing policy of the ocean lines after the Russo-Japanese War took on an imperialistic character.
- 1982-08-30
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