- 論文の詳細を見る
Many contributions have been made to the study of the Mesta (the guild of sheep farmers who practiced transhumance in Castile) since the book by Julius Klein was published in 1920. But many problems about the medieval Mesta and transhumance in the pre-Mesta period remain unsolved. One of these problems is the date of the Mesta's establishment. This paper divides the various views expressed about this problem into ten categories. After examing each view closely, the author supports the pre-1273 view. However, this view needs to be defined more precisely. Prof. Bishko has said that the Mesta was established after 1230 when the northern sheep farmers had begun the autumnal transhumant drives into the Guadiana River Basin, to cooperate in dealing with the problem of pasturage. But this problem rose as soon as transhumance began, so if this were the reason for the establishment of the Mesta, it should have been established earlier. Furthermore, this problem could have been resolved by each sheep farmer negotiating with each land owner separately. This paper places the establishment of the Mesta after 1269, when the Cortes was held in Burgos approving the levy of servicio. Servicio was a tax the King imposed on all transhumant sheep farmers. It thus seems probable that some of them hit upon the idea to establish the Mesta to obtain royal protection in exchange for paying the serivicio tax.
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