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The bending stress concentration factors were investigated on the one throw steel crank specimens (solid), of which crankpin diameter is 80 mm. As the results of these investigations the empirical formula of the stress concentration factor of crankshaft is given as follows : [numerical formula] where, α_K=πd^3σ_m/32Mw, d : crankpin diameter, σ_m : maximum stress at crank fillet, Mw : bending moment at the center of web thickness, ρ : fillet radius, δ : recessed depth at the fillet, b : web breadth, t : web thickness, and s=(d-d_j)/2-r, d_j : crankjournal diameter, r : a half of the stroke. The limit of uncertainty of the above formula based on 95 percent confidence limits is 6 percent, and this value is enough to apply practically.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1964-10-25
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