- 論文の詳細を見る
An experiment was conducted basing on the theory with regards to the surface heat transfer from a heated vertical flat plate in laminar flow of low Reynolds number. The following simple equation was obtained, which may be applied to the Prandtl number ranging from 0.006 to 20,by an approximate treatment. [numerical formula] The symbols used in the above equation are as follows : N_<ux> : local Nusselt number, R_<sx> : local Reynolds number, Ψ_1 : functin of Prandtl number, λ : constant. The simple equation agreed with the experimental results by the air, and the flow was divided into three domains as follows. G_<rx>/R_<sx>^2<0.01,for forced convection. 0.01<G_<rx>/R_<sx>^2<16,for mixed convection. 16<G_<rx>/R_<sx>^2,for free convection.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1961-08-25
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