- 論文の詳細を見る
A jet pipe has been used as an element of an automatic controller, but we know little about the performance, for example, the correlation between position of a jet and pressure at an opening on a surface on which the jet strikes. Using water jet issuing from a nozzle of 2mm diameter, the present writer investigated experimentally the influence of shape of surface on the performance. The results obtained are as follows : 1) If the diameter of an opening is nearly equal to that of a jet, and the water discharge through the opening is zero, pressure at the opening is considerably high even though the jet does not strike just on the opening. For example, when the position of the jet ξ/d is 0.5,pressure maintains nearly 0.8〜0.9 of total pressure of the jet, where ξ denotes distance of the jet from the opening ; d, diameter of the jet. But when discharge through the opening becomes large and distance of the jet ξ/d larger than 0.5,the pressure falls rapidly in proportion to quantity of the discharge. 2) Pressure at an opening on a convex surface is generally lower than that on a concave surface. It is marked specially for ξ/d=0.5. When the radious of curvature is above five times as large as the diameter of the jet, the influence of curvature becomes little. 3) If the surface is not perpendicular to a jet, the slope of fall of pressure due to displacement of the jet and that due to increase of discharge through the opening are gentle or steep according as the point on which the jet strikes is located above or below the opening on the surface. At zero discharge, when pressure at the opening is maximum, the center of the jet does not coincide with that of the opening, but is found to be below the opening on the surface. For example, when inclination of surface is 10 degree, the distance between these two centers is about one or two tenths the diameter of the jet, that is slightly less than the analytical result treated as a two dimentional jet.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1952-02-00
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- 回転円筒上の比較的厚い乱流境界層の実験 : 第2報, 圧力こう配下の流れ
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- 〔270〕M.I.T.における非定常流水どう 〔J.M.Daily & K.C.Deemer, A.S.M.E., Trans., 1954-1, Vol.76, No.1, p.87〜95, 図12〕
- 〔58〕 層流から乱流への還移におよぼすあらさの影響に関する実験」について 〔H.L.Dryden, Aero.Sci., J., 1953-7, Vol.20, No.7, p.477〜482, 図9〕
- 〔57〕 格子のはいった管の圧力損失について 〔E.Hubner, Forschung, Bd.19, Nr.1, s.1〜16〕
- 拡がり流れにおける境界層の速度分布(第1報)
- 〔144〕管内摩擦損失についての批判的考察〔O.Kirschmer, V.D.I., Z., 1952-8, Bd.94, Nr.24, p.785〜791, 図5, 表4〕
- 拡がり流れにおける境界層の速度分布(第1報)
- 〔241〕ポンプの性能におよぼす案内羽根の影響〔F.Krisam.V.D.1., Z., 1952-21-April, Bd.94, Nr.11 / 12, p.319〜322, 図13, 表2〕
- 噴射管の特性に及ぼす受流部の形について
- 自動制御に用いられる噴射管の特性に及ぼす受流部の形について
- 〔24〕流動摩擦係数が極めて大きい長距離送水管(13.流体力学および水力機械)
- 周期の変化する外力による振動の一解法
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- [32] 二次元流の拡がり管効率の計算法[R.C.Binder, J.Applied Mechanics, 1949-9,Vol.14,No.3,p.213〜216](13.流体力学および水力機械)