- 論文の詳細を見る
I) Studies from the standpoint of psychosomatic medicine (PSM) were made in 64 patients with Antrospasm including I3 patients with Prolapsus pylori. Besides the time consuming personal interview. three personality tests : CMI, Y-G test and MMPI were performed in each patient. II) On the first visit to our hospital 75% of cases complaind of gastrointestinal symptomes and 25% of non-gastrointestial. Studies of past histories revealed that 54% of cases had had gastrointinal symptomes, 46% nongastrointestinal and that there was no specific symptoms in this disease. Patients with Antrospasm had multiple symptoms and none of whidh was common fn general. III) By interviewing, conflicts related to the occurrence of the disease were found in 63% with Antrospasm and in 69% with Prolapsus Pylori. The conflicts consisted of those in social problem, amily problem, environmental problem and anxiety for disease in order : anxiety and tension in psychic life being main factors. Psychic stress of long period was noted particularly in cases with Prolapsus pylori. IV) In the three personality tests, depressive type and hypochondric type were most common as in patients with Gastroduodenal ulcer. CMI in Fukamachi's criteria were 3° in Antrospasm and 4° in Prolapsus pylori. In Y-G test, average type both in Antrospasm and in Prolapsus pylori were observed, but emotional instability and social maladjustment revealed in the later. In MMPI, a high incidence of neurotic triad and of Pt was seen in both sex, and neurotic tendency was strong. V) The total results of interview and the personality tests concluded that 22 in 64 cases (35%) ware of neurosis and 20 in 64 cases (30%) of neurotic suspect. VI) In Mecholyl test P type (sympathetic hyporeacter) was most common. This was particularly true in patients with conflicts : 66% in Antrospasm, 67% in Prolapsus pylori. Emotion and autonomic nervous system appeared to be in a close relation from this result. From the above results it was concluded that many patients with Antrospasm and Prolapsus pylori should be treated from the standpoint of psychosomatic medicine.
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