ベニクラゲ(Turritopsis nutricula McCRADY)の生活環
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The hydroid polyps of the species which was referred to the anthomedusa Turritopsis nutricula McCRADY were collected from the shallow sea in Akkeshi, Hokkaido, in July 1970. The polyps bore medusa-buds and the buds were soon liberated as free young medusae. The young medusae were reared for about one month in glass dishes in laboratory, and during that time the process of growing and changing forms were observed. The bell size, pattern of tentacle development, and form of manubrium and oral lips were especially noticed. The nematocysts of the hydroid polyps were also examined. The reared medusae of about one month old were not yet matured, but adult medusae of this species have been captured several time as plankton in Akkeshi Bay for these some years. It is suggested that in Akkeshi the hydroid polyps liberate young medusae in July, the medusae in different developmental stages are collected in August, and nearly all medusae found in September are fully matured. The hydroid polyps and medusae of this species in Akkeshi were compared with those of the American and European waters in morphology and development, and the differences were discussed.
- 日本動物分類学会の論文
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