Modification of Radiosensitivity by the So-called Tissue Recovery Stimulator. I. Radiosensitizing Effects of Solcoseryl
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The effect of solcoseryl on the growth, radiosensitization and ability of V79 cells to recover from X-ray-induced damage has been observed. Solcoseryl at 0.8 mg/ml was the optimal concentration for the stimulation of cell growth. Increased sensitivity to X-irradiation was found in the shoulder region of V79 cells treated before and after irradiation with solcoseryl (0.8 mg/ml). The Dq and extrapolation number (n) decreased. Solcoseryl treatment apparently does not reduce split dose recovery or inhibit the repair of potentially lethal damage. Flow cytofluorometry studies of the cell cycle distribution and mitotic index show that solcoseryl inhibits the expression of radiation-induced cell arrest in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Although this action increases radiation sensitization, additional mechanisms probably exist.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
青山 喬
青山 喬
Department Of Experimental Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
菅原 努
菅原 努
Kumar Ashok
木村 博
木村 博
Kumar A
Univ. Rajasthan Jaipur Ind
Kumar Ashok
木村 博
木村 博
Department Of Experimental Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
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