恒温熱処理における銀含有ガラスの発色過程について : 銀含有ガラスの発色に関する研究(第2報)
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Samples prepared by adding the small amounts of polyvalent elements, Sn, Fe, Ce, Cr, Sb, Sb to the base glass of the composition, Na2O 18.0, CaO 8.0, Al2O3 1.5, SiO2 72.0; Ag2O 0.025 (parts) were applied to the irradiation of ultra violet ray, X-ray and γ-ray.The specimens so obtained were subjected to the heat treatment at constant temperatures of 400°-600°C, and the progress of color development was followed up by means of the change of the absorption at 410μ, the characteristic absorption peak of silver yellow glass in the spectral transmission curves.It was confirmed that the reduction of Ag+-ion, the initial stage of color development, proceeds through three different ways, i.e.(1) equilibrium Ag+_??_Ag°(2) photochemical reduction(3) thermal reduction.At higher temperatures the coagulation of atomic silver takes place to produce the yellow stain of silver. Furthermore, the relation of the amount of separated silver C to the holding time t may be represented byC=(C1+C2)(1-e-jt)+C3(1-e-kt), where C1 is the amount of atomic silver existing under equilibrium, C2 and C3 are those produced, respectively, by photochemical and thermal reduction, and j, k are constants.For extremely small amount of separation the value C is approximately proportional to the hight of the peak at 410μ.
- 1961-11-01
- A19 R_2O-BPO_4 系ガラスのフォトクロミック性
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- 恒温熱処理における銀含有ガラスの発色過程について : 銀含有ガラスの発色に関する研究(第2報)
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- 9.2 デビトロセラミックス(9.日用品用セラミックス)
- 溶融塩物性表, 溶融塩委員会編, A5判, 上製本665ページ, 定価2,500円, 発行所, 電気化学協会溶融塩委員会, 大阪市都島区東野田9,大阪大学工学部内
- 台湾で過した3ヶ月
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