- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, it has been noticed that the asphalt pavement flows remarkably as a result of heavy traffic. To eliminate or minimize the flow, it is necessary to increase the stability of asphalt mixture. The experiments described herein were undertaken to investigate the effect of asphalt penetration on the Marshall stability of asphaltic concrete. The experiments were performed under two different conditions; one at 60℃, and the other at various test temperatures between 25 to 60℃. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (1) At low temperatures such as 25℃, the optimum asphalt content (OAC) is independent of asphalt penetration. but the stability of asphalt mixture at OAC depends on the penetration; the smaller the penetration, the larger the Marshall stability. (2) At high temperatures such as 55 or 60℃, OAC changes with the penetration; the smaller the penetration, the smaller the OAC. But thc asphalt penetration has little effect on the stability of asphalt mixture at OAC. Since the flow of asphalt pavement mostly takes place at high temperatures, it appears that the use of asphalt of low penetration is ineffective to decrease the flow.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1974-10-15
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