- 論文の詳細を見る
During the recent years, much progress has been made in the metallurgical field, more particularly in investigation to determine with X-rays the internal stress of metals and in the accuracy of its detection with the improved experimental procedure and the equipment for measurement of stress with X-rays. But, there are some problems relative to the microstress obtained by X-rays and the macrostress by mechanical methods. Considerable agreement of both the stresses in the macro-elastic range is recognized. In the measurement of residual stress in the material subject to plastic deformation the diffraction plane dependency, the broadening of the diffraction pattern, "Gefugespannungen" etc. are important factors in the measurement of stress with X-rays to determine the residual lattice strains of certain grains in the specimen selectively. Many investigators pointed out that, after uniaxial plastic deformation, the surface of metal shows residual compressive stress, the so-called surface effect. These factors must be considered even in determining the surface stress by X-rays in the low carbon steel after various plastic deformation. At each stage after the uniaxial plastic deformation, the residual stress obtained by the lattice strains determined by the diffraction lines of the (310), (211) and (220) plane using Cok_<α1>, CrK_<α1> and FeK_<α1>, respectively on the surface of the low carbon steel plates is compressive, and increases rapidly up to plastic strain ε≃ 6%, and thereafter increases slowly. The residual axial stress distributed over the cross section of the plate was determined by means of etching, and measured by X-rays or by strain gauge. The results showed interior of the specimen when we used strain gauge, but lost balance then we used X-rays. When the thickness of the specimen approached zero after successive etchings, the residual compressive stress obtained by X-rays diminished, but some compressive stress remained still on their layer. The maximum compressive stress was not observed on the surface, but was latent in the interior near the surface. It is considered from these results that "Gafugespannungen" due to the existence of the cementite and ferrite phase seems to play an important role.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1963-12-15
- 降伏機構の実験的研究 : 予備的すべりとすべりの伝ぱ機構
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- 金属材料の塑性変形と残留格子ひずみとの関係のX線的研究(第1報)実験結果
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