- 論文の詳細を見る
An experimental study on the liquid phase adsorption of crystal violet on the virgin surfaces of Soma-sand and Pyrex-glass particles produced by grinding with a mechanical mortar was carried out to investigate the adsorption properties of newly produced solid surface. In the experiment, the following two methods were employed. (1) Wet (C. V.) : crystal violet is adsorbed during grinding in the solution. (2) Dry (C. V.) : crystal violet is adsorbed immediately after grinding in air. The experimental results revealed the similar trend in the adsorption properties between the present system and the Soma-sand-methylene blue system reported previously by the authors. From both experimental results, it was confirmed that the adsorption on a virgin surface produced at the instant of the fracture has to be distinguished from the adsorption on an original surface of the particles before fracture.
- 1976-07-15
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