- 論文の詳細を見る
Fatigue tests in sodium fluid at elevated temperatures were conducted to investigate the effect of sodium on low-cycle fatigue properties of SUS 304 stainless steel, which is the main structural material in FBRs. The tests were conducted at 500℃, 550℃ and 600℃ under the following condition; the sodium flow rate of 1m/sec, the cold trap temperature of 120℃, the strain rate of 1×10^<-3>/sec, and the total strain range from 0.3 to 1.9 % with triangular wave form. It was found that the fatigue lives in sodium were equal to or greater than those in air. Secondary cyclic hardening, which is considered to be caused by precipitation, was observed at 500℃ and 550℃ in the low strain range. This phenomenon was evident in sodium at 500℃ and was restrained by pre-precipitation which occurred during aging. Crack propagation was transgranular and striations were observed on the fracture surfaces. From the qualitative crack propagation analysis based on the measured striation spacing, it was shown that the propagation rate in sodium was almost the same as that in air. It was presumed that the difference in fatigue life was mainly caused by the difference in crack initiation time. Surface cracks found in sodium were fewer than those found in air. This observation shows that cracks are more difficult to initiate in sodium than in air. The reduction in crack formation was considered to be caused by the suppression of oxidation by the reducing atmosphere. It was presumed that the oxidation suppression caused the increase in crack initiation time.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1988-03-15
和田 雄作
小峰 龍司
和田 雄作
動燃炉・核燃料開発事業団 大洗工学センター
和田 雄作
小峰 龍司
加藤 信一郎
平野 正敦
- 「もんじゅ」ナトリウム漏えい事故に関する技術報告
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- Naの扱い方と漏らさない技術 (より丈夫で長持ちする原子炉の技術開発) -- (高速増殖炉の場合)
- SUS304溶接継手の550℃におけるクリープ疲労強度とそのひずみ集中による検討
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- 2 1/4Cr-1Mo 鋼の高温低サイクル疲労強度におよぼす圧縮ひずみ保持の影響
- 124 高速炉用21/4Cr-1Mo鋼のクリープ疲労き裂伝ぱ挙動(破壊靱性および高温強度)
- 221 定荷重クリープにおけるクリープ誘起型塑性不安定破断に関する力学的モデルによる解析(クリープおよびクリープ疲労)
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- 203 SUS304鋼の変位制御下でのクリープ疲労き裂伝播挙動(高温疲労き裂)
- 520 SUS304 鋼の高温低サイクル疲労強度に及ぼすひずみ波形効果(耐熱鋼・耐熱合金 (1), 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会第 109 回(春季)講演大会)
- プラントの高温長時間安定性及び健全性
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- 3・3 材料の強度(3.材料力学,機械工学年鑑)
- 223 21/4%Cr-1Mo鋼の熱疲労強度特性(高温強度)
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