- 論文の詳細を見る
The tensile and fatigue properties of spheroidal graphite cast irons with ferritic matrix structure and pearlitic one, being austenitized at 1173K and austempered for either 5 min or 2 h at 573K, were inveatigated. The amount of retained austenite in ferritic matrix was more than that in pearlitic matrix. Axial fatigue tests were conducted at a stess ratio of R=0.1. The tensile strength of the both as-received materials were improved by austempering treatment. Separation at the graphite-matrix interface during tensile deformation occurred first and the initiation of cracks followed around each graphite. Finally these cracks were simultaneously linked-up. As the result of the coalescence of those cracks the fracture surface of the as-received materials exhibited brettle pattern. On the other hand, the fracture surface of the austempered specimens showed a mixed type of microvoid formation and quasi-cleavage associated with austempering structure pattern. Although the fatigue strength of the material austempered for 2h was rather improved, the strength for the 5 min one was weakend as compared with that of the as-received material. The fatigue crack growth rate da/dn of both austempered materials, was higher than that of the as-received ta lower ΔK values. Fatigue crack path followed a mixed type of both transgranular and intergranular fracture. Characteristic fracture surface in the vicinity of the fatigue limit was prodominantly covered by intergranular fracture without straiation in the ferritic matrix, while considerable lamellar structural pattern was observed in the pearlitic matrix. Fracture surface of the austempered specimen showed no significant difference irrespective of austermpering time and indisated the similar structural pattern as in the static tensile fracture.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1990-09-15
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