盛土材料としての水砕スラグ : (<特集>土質安定材料特集号)
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When molten slag is cooled rapidly by means of high pressure water jet, it solidifies as a porous glassy material, thus forming small granules like volcanic sand. This material is known as granulated slag. This report describes a production system and general properties of blastfurnace granulated slag, as well as the results of field tests which were performed to examine its applicability as a banking material. Two types of test banking are constructed to test the following points. (1) The weight reduction per unit volume of banking. (2) The influence of repeated traffic load to banking. (3) The influence of rainfall to each slope of banking. (4) The variation of pore water pressure inside of banking. The results obtained are as follows. (1) The unit weight of banking was 1.0-1.4g/cm^3 as γ_d and 1.15g/cm^3 as the average to 1.00 m depth from the surface. (2) Only a little deformation was caused by repeated traffic load. field specimen from the test banking after 21 days of working. It was possible to cut out a The unconfined compression strength (q_u) was 4〜6kg/cm^2 and the modulus of deformation was 1 000-6000 kg/cm^2 after 49 days of working. (3) The surface material of the slope made of decomposed granite was scoured out after several hours of raining, but the slope made of the slag did not change. (4) The pore water pressure inside of the banking made of granulated slag was relatively lower than the other.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1977-11-15
斉藤 碩
河野 伊一郎
毛利 博光
神原 幸治
二町 宣洋
二町 宣洋
川崎製鉄 (株)
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