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This paper presents a modified hole-drilling technique for measuring residual stresses in tree trunk. The primary advantage of the modification is that it can be applied to a standing , tree. Two holes drilled above and below the strain measuring point release completely the strain in the longitudinal direction of a trunk. On the other hand, two holes drilled on both sides of the measuring point bring in a relaxation of the strain in the tangential direction of a trunk but, at the same time, create a new strain due to the diagonal stresses at above and below the holes. The occurance of such new stresses can be avoided by drilling a number of holes at above and below the measuring point. The strain in this study was determined by a wire-strain-gage sticked with α-cyanoacrylate instant-curing adhesive.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1977-05-15
木方 洋二
三輪 公夫
木方 洋二
Department Of Forest Products Science And Technology Nagoya University
木方 洋二
木方 洋二
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