- 論文の詳細を見る
As glass filaments are susceptible to flaw at surface, the distribution of the strength of glass fibers is sensitive to the experimenter's skill in handing. The mean value of strength increases rapidly with the development of the skill first, and then becomes to attain a constant value. The standard deviation also increases with increasing skill first, but after that it decreased and reaches finally a constant value. As a result, the coefficient of variation decreases monotonically till the high degree of skill is attained. The weakest link model of a mixed flaw type was proposed here to analyze these changes in the strength data. This model consisted of a link of two kinds of flaw ; the original flaws and those introduced during specimen preparation. The strength distribution of the link with either type of flaws was assumed to be Weibull, and the difference in the Weibull distribution between the original flaws only and the combined flaws was taken to give a measure of the skill. The theoreticall results showed a good agreement with the experimental results.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1981-12-15
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