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Nanopowders of La_2Ti_2O_7 have been successfully prepared by metallorganic decomposition method (MOD). In comparison with the higher reaction temperature of conventional preparation methods, such as solid-state reaction (about 1100℃), the nanocrystal La_2Ti_2O_7 phase can be formed at an evidently lower temperature of 700℃ by MOD. The resulting powders exhibit small and uniform grains. The imagines of FT-IR show that acetylacetone can associate with La^<3+> to form La-acetylacetone chelate complexes, and the absorption peak of La^<3+> in precursor solution disappears, while the peaks of chelate complexes located at 1580 and 1420cm^<-1> are found correspondingly. The probable reason is that small precursor particles can be formed at a homogeneous and low La^<3+> concentration by control release from the complexes; these small, uniform and more active precursor particles probably make it possible to form La_2Ti_2O_7 nanocrystal at significantly lower preparation temperature.
- 2005-01-01
ZHANG Yuanming
Department, of Information Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University
Zhang Y
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
LI Hong
Department of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University
Zhang Yuanming
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
ZHAO Zhantu
Department of Chemistry, Jinan University
Department of Chemistry, Jinan University
Department of Chemistry, Jinan University
ZHAO Xiaoqing
Department of Chemistry, Jinan University
Yang Jim
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
Song Wei
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
Zhao Zhantu
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
Zhao Xiaoqing
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
Li Hong
Department Of Pediatrics Shimane University School Of Medicine
Yang Jun
Department Of Biology Sichuan Teachers College
Li Hong
Department Of Agricultural And Biosystems Engineering Iowa State University
Li Hong
Department Of Chemistry Jinan University
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