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The preparation of zirconia/erbia tetragonal solid solution was attempted by sintering of powders produced by coprecipitation. Calcined powders were attrition milled and green bodies densified to materials having grain size of a nanometer scale. Fired materials reached high density after firing at any temperatures above 1350°C for times of 1 h or more ; they had a tetragonal structure, provided that the erbia content exceeded 1.5 mol%. Materials containing 1.5 mol% erbia consisted of both monoelinic and tetragonal phases, when the firing conditions were selected at the lowest temperature for densification(1 h at 1350°C). In all other cases, only the monoclinic structure could be detected. Materials containing 2, 2.5 and 3 mol% erbia had tetragonal symmetry. In particular, tetragonal solid solutions contaning 2 mol% Er_2O_3 mantained such structure until their grain size did not exceed 1 μm , at larger grain sizes they transformed to monoclinic. The tetragonal lattice parameters were measured by X-ray diffraction analysis in all the tetragonal materials and they agreed with those previously reported by other authors. The crystallographic a/c ratio had influence on the grain tranformability : the lower the ratio, the lower the tetragonal/monoclinic transformation ratio.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1999-11-01
Pezzotti Giuseppe
京都工芸繊維大学 大学院工芸科学研究科セラミック物理学研究室
Pezzotti Giuseppe
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, University of Udine
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, University of Udine
Bruckner Sergio
Dipartimento Di Scienze E Tecnologie Chimiche Universita Di Udine
Bruckner Sergio
Dipartimento Di Scienze E Tecnologie Chimiche University Of Udine
Maschio S
Univ. Udine Udine Ita.
Maschio Stefano
Dipartimento Di Scienze E Tecnologie Chimiche Universita Di Udine
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