- 論文の詳細を見る
There have been published several studies on the relations between mechanical properties and fatigue strength of the polished laboratory specimen of steels and other alloys. The fatigue limits of steels range from about 0・4 to 0・6 of their tensile strength, and it is well known that the fatigue ratios of aluminium alloys show lower values than those of steels. In this report, authors studied on the relations between mechanical properties and rotating-beam fatigue strength of wrought aluminium alloys at 10^7 cycles. Those alloys were of 13 kinds and treated by the following conditions respectively ; annealed, naturally aged after solution heattreatment, precipitation treatment after solution heat-treatment, and others (cold-drawn, precipitation treatment after manufactured, cold worked after solution treated and precipitation treated). The relations between the statical strength and the fatigue strength of those alloys seem to be approximately parabolic and so the specimen of higher statical strength shows a higher fatigue strength. When those results were classified in each treatment, a fine correlation between the mechanical properties and fatigue strength is obtained and the correlation coefficient and the regression line of those relations are shown in Table 1. A smaller estimate error in the fatigue strength is obtained in the case of Brinell hardness as compared with other cases. In the case of alloys identically extruded in smaller sizes and heat・treated, the scattering of the fatigue strength is about 2 kg/mm^2, and the previously obtained result that the specimen of higher statical strength shows higher fatigue strength is not always applicable to the case. The fatigue ratios of softer alloys tend to show higher values and scattering than those of harder alloys. The values of naturally aged alloys vary from 0・3 to 0・53 and those of precipitation treated alloys vary from 0・26 to 0・46. In those conditions, Al-Mg_2Si alloys show higher values of fatigue ratios compared with other alloys.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1958-10-15
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