自家長静脈片 : 頭蓋外-頭蓋内バイパス術に対する応用
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The author performed 11 extracranial - intracranial (EC/IC) bypasses with interposed saphenous vein grafts, 10 for the anterior circulation and 1 for the posterior circulation. The revascularization for the posterior circulation was a bypass to the proximal posterior cerebral artery (P-3 segment). The patency rate of the bypasses with the vein grafts was 82%. Two bypasses were occluded postoperatively, probably because the vein grafts were twisted or the venous valves were not in good condition. The mean bypass flow rate of the EC/IC bypass with an interposed vein graft was 99 ml/min intraoperatively and 126 ml/min postoperatively. The mean values of the routine superficial temporal artery - middle cerebral artery (STA-MCA) anastomosis were 39 ml/min and 52 ml/min, respectively. The mean regional cerebral blood flow (M rCBF) which was measured postoperatively with ^<133>Xe injection through the vein graft was 48.7 ml/100 g/min (PCO_2 41.2 mmHg, n = 5) which was within normal limits. On the other hand, the postoperative M rCBF in the cases of routine STA-MCA anastomosis, which was measured with ^<133>Xe injection through the STA (donor) was 27.8 ml/100 g/min (PCO_2 40.4 mmHg, n = 4). These data show that the EC/IC bypass with a vein graft increases the intracranial blood flow more significantly than the STA-MCA anastomosis. In the present series, 2 cases died postoperatively. One death was due to slipping out of the ligature which was placed at the side branch of the vein graft. The author recommends that the side branches should be ligated at two or three separate places. The other case had a multiple occlusive cerebrovascular disease and died due to myocardial infarction 2 days postoperatively. The preoperative Master ECG had been normal. Therefore, no coronary angiography had been performed. The autopsy showed, however, 90% and 60% stenoses of both coronary arteries. In cases of multiple occlusive disease, it is recommended that a coronary angiography should be performed before considering an operative intervention.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1983-12-15
- 心筋梗塞様心電図変化と心エコー図で広範囲な壁運動異常を呈したクモ膜下出血の1例 : 日本循環器学会第134回関東甲信越地方会
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- 22.挿管チューブ・カフ漏れ対策一考案 : 第72回日本医科器械学会大会一般演題講演集
- 22.挿管チューブ・カフ漏れ対策一考案 : 第72回日本医科器械学会大会予稿集
- I-C-8 側頭葉てんかん発作の慢性深部電極による記録
- 脳卒中に対する低体温療法
- 74.^Tc標識赤血球による局所脳血液量の簡易的絶対量算出法
- 82. ^Tc 標識血液製剤を用いた脳動脈主幹部閉塞症亜急性期における脳循環血液量分布の精度評価(第 19 回秋季学術大会一般研究発表予稿)
- 4.重症くも膜下出血例(G.IV, V)に対する治療戦略
- 脳ドック
- Long vein graftについて(脳動脈の再建術)
- 自家長静脈片 : 頭蓋外-頭蓋内バイパス術に対する応用
- 10.頸動脈圧迫遮断時の眼動脈圧測定:-頸動脈結紮の耐容性に関する新しいチェック法