超音波Doppler法による脳血液循環停止の判定について : 脳死の非侵襲的確認検査
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The usefulness of a non-invasive ultrasonic Doppler method in the diagnosis of absence of cerebral circulation under brain death was studied. The probe was placed over the bilateral internal carotid and vertebral arteries of 30 patients. Angiograms showed non-filling of cerebral vessels in 15 cases, and normal cerebral circulation in the other 15 control group patients. The blood flow patterns were monitored by an audible Doppler and recorded as sonograms (flow-velocity wave forms). In patients with normal circulation, the examination showed continuous one-way flow patterns. In the patients with angiographic non-filling patterns, a discontinuous bi-directional pattern was observed in all the vessels. The difference in sonographic patterns between these two groups was also distinguishable by auscultation of the Doppler sound patterns. In 4 cases, slow filling of the cerebral circulation by contrast medium was observed before the non-filling state developed. A low velocity continuous flow pattern with a weak reverse flow element was observed in all of them. Thus, an ultrasonic Doppler study can clearly diagnose the absence of cerebral circulation by studying the four major vessels in the neck and differentiate the absence of flow from a low cerebral blood flow state.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1986-10-15
金 章夫
種子田 護
種子田 護
平賀 章壽
阪本 敏久
嶋田 延光
金 章夫
金田 平夫
平賀 章寿
阪本 敏久
金 章夫
近畿大学医学部堺病院 脳神経外科
金 章夫
近畿大学医学部附属堺病院 脳外科
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