Disc泳動法によるaldolase isozyme
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Aldolase isozyme patterns of brain tumors and the normal brain were investigated using 7.5% polyacryl-amidgel disc-electrophoresis. Normal human brain tissue, obtained from surgery and autopsies contained aldolase A_4, C_4 and also three A-C hybrid sets, A_3C, A_2C_2, AC_3. Most gliomas such as astrocytomas, a ependymoma, glioblastomas and medulloblastomas showed the same pattern as that of the normal brain, but one glioblastoma showed only aldolase A_4 and A_3C hybrid. In meningiomas which seem to originate from mesodermal tissue, aldolase A_4 and A_3C hybrid were detected. In some meningiomas, however, the A_3C hybrid alone was found. Sarcomas and a chemodectoma showed the A_3C hybrid only. In acoustic neurinomas, pituitary adenomas and metastatic tumors from lung cancer, aldolase A_4 and A_3C hybrid were detected but aldolase C and other hybrids were always absent. From these results, it was considered that the aldolase isozyme pattern was useful for identifying the genetic origin of brain tumors, especially when histological diagnosis was inconclusive.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1981-04-15
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