Cervical Soft Disc 35症例の検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty-five cases of cervical soft disc were analyzed in terms of symptomatic, myelographic, and computed tomographic (CT) features. The patients, 24 males and 11 females, ranged in age from 33 to 69 years (mean, 48 years). The clinical manifestations were classified into six patterns according to the subjective and objective findings. On myelography, lateral views provided useful information in patients with myelopathy, whereas posteroanterior views were more informative in patients with radiculopathy. On the basis of metrizamide CT findings, the herniated discs could be classified as medial, mediolateral, or lateral. According to the operative findings, disc herniation could be characterized as either protruded, with an intact posterior longitudinal ligament, or prolapsed, with laceration of the ligament. A medial orientation was well correlated with protrusion and lateral and mediolateral herniation with prolapse. Although the mechanisms of myelopathy due to cervical soft disc are obscure, both direct compression by the herniated disc material and secondary circulatory disturbance within the spinal cord appear to play important pathogenetic roles.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1988-12-15
諏訪 英行
花北 順哉
西 正吾
長安 慎二
太田 文人
鈴木 孝典
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