29p-ZN-9 超変形核のスーパーシェル構造と古典軌道の分岐現象
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1993-03-16
松柳 研一
Theoretical Nuclear Physics Laboratory Riken Nishina Center:yukawa Institute For Theoretical Physics
在田 謙一郎
松柳 研一
在田 謙一郎
松柳 研一
- A Model Analysis of Triaxial Deformation Dynamics in Oblate-Prolate Shape Coexistence Phenomena(Nuclear Physics)
- 30aXF-4 簡単なモデルによる非軸対称変形ダイナミクスの統一的記述(30aXF 平均場模型,理論核物理領域)
- 27pZC-7 超変形^Caの高スピン状態に於ける負パリティ励起モードに対するRPA計算(27pZC 核構造(中重核,高スピン,殻模型),理論核物理領域)
- 22aSA-9 ^Tiの超変形状態に伴う8重極振動モードの非軸対称変形依存性(22aSA 平均場理論,理論核物理領域)
- 26aZH-1 ^Ca領域の軸対称・非軸対称超変形状態に伴う高スピン8重極振動モードの微視的研究(平均場理論,理論核物理領域)
- 23pYE-8 ^Ca領域の超変形に伴う8重極振動モードの角速度依存性(23pYE 中性子過剰核・高スピン,理論核物理領域)
- 25pSC-10 Soft K^π=0^+ mode in neutron-rich Cr and Fe isotopes around N=40
- 27pSB-10 ^Ca領域の超変形バンドと集団振動モード(27pSB 核構造(平均場・多体基礎論),理論核物理領域)
- 22aSD-8 Low-lying excitation modes of ^Mg and ^Mg
- 27pWD-13 中性子ドリップ線近傍Mgアイソトープの低励起モードの性質(理論核物理,実験核物理合同,不安定核,理論核物理)
- 29pSG-8 Quasiparticle RPA Calculation for Low-lying Vibrational Modes in Deformed Neutron-rich Nuclei with A=30-50
- 28pZL-12 Microscopic structue of negative parity soft vibrations built on superdeformed states in Sulfur isotopes close to the neutron drip line(理論核物理,実験核物理合同不安定核)(理論核物理)
- 29p-ZN-8 超変形状態の上に形成される八重極振動の持つE1遷移確率
- 21aSB-9 Se・Kr同位体の低励起状態におけるオブレート・プロレート変形共存ダイナミクス(21aSB 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同 不安定核,理論核物理領域)
- 27aSG-8 Magnetic properties of precession modes built on high-K multi-quasiparticle states in ^W
- 6a-B-12 奇核の集団励起状態における対振動自由度の役割
- 5a-E-10 多準粒子NTD近似の方法による奇Sn核の解析
- O(4)×O(4)模型を用いての準位交差問題(基研長期研究会「原子核集団運動の非線形動力学」,研究会報告)
- 有限量子系のシェル構造と古典周期軌道
- 29a-F-10 殻構造の形成に対する共鳴周期軌道の役割
- 29p-X-10 巨大変形核の殻構造と古典周期軌道
- 29p-ZN-9 超変形核のスーパーシェル構造と古典軌道の分岐現象
- 2p-D-9 反転非対称な超変形核におけるスーパーシェル構造の半古典的解析
- Microscopic Derivation of Collective Hamiltonian by Means of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method : Shape Mixing in Low-Lying States of ^Se and ^Kr(Nuclear Physics)
- Microscopic Description of Shape Coexistence Phenomena around ^Se and ^Kr(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Gauge-Invariant Formulation of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Effects of Time-Odd Components in Mean Field on Large Amplitude Collective Dynamics (Nuclear Physics)
- Collective Paths Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Shapes in ^Se and ^Kr Suggested by the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Collective Path Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Local Minima in ^Se
- Application of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method to a Solvable Model of Prolate-Oblate Shape Coexistence(Nuclear Physics)
- Diabatic Mean-Field Description of Rotational Bands in Terms of the Selfconsistent Collective Coordinate Method
- Adiabatic Selfconsistent Collective Coordinate Method for Large Amplitude Collective Motion in Nuclei with Pairing Correlations
- Semiclassical Origin of Superdeformed Shell Structure in the Spheroidal Cavity Model : Nuclear Physics
- Periodic-Orbit Bifurcation and Shell Structure in Reflection-Asymmetric Deformed Cavity : Nuclear Physics
- Soft Octupole Vibrations with K=0 and K≠0 Built on Superdeformed Rotational Bands and Static Pairing Correlations : Nuclear Physics
- Octupole Vibrations with K=1 and 2 in Superconducting, Superdeformed Nuclei : Nuclear Physics
- Diabatic Approach to Shape Coexistence Phenomena in Semi-Magic Nuclei. I : Illustration of Basic Ideas : Nuclear Physics
- 22aSD-2 不安定核の集団現象に対する微視的アプローチ(22aSD 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同招待講演,実験核物理領域)
- 原子核における変形共存現象と大振幅集団運動(有限量子多体系の励起構造と相関効果-原子核・量子ドット・ボース凝縮・クラスターを中心として-,研究会報告)
- 原子核における変形共存現象と大振幅集団運動(「有限量子多体系の励起構造と相関効果」-原子核・量子ドット・ボース凝縮・クラスターを中心として-,研究会報告)
- Rotational Frequency Dependence of Octupole Vibrations on Superdeformed States in ^Ca(Nuclear Physics)
- Triaxiality Dependence of Octupole Excitations on Superdeformed States in ^Ti(Nuclear Physics)
- Soft K^π=0^+ modes unique to deformed neutron-rich nuclei(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Rotating RPA Calculation for Collective Vibrational Modes built on Superdeformed Bands in the ^Ca Region(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Comparative Study of Octupole Excitations on Superdeformed States in ^S, ^S, ^Ca and ^S(Nuclear Physics)
- Cranked Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Calculations for Superdeformed and Hyperdeformed Bands in N = Z Nuclei, ^32S, ^36Ar, ^40Ca, and in Neutron Rich Nuclei, ^14Be, ^26Ne, ^46S
- Cranked Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Calculations for Superdeformed and Hyperdeformed Bands in N=Z Nuclei, ^S, ^Ar, ^Ca, and in Neutron Rich Nuclei, ^Be, ^Ne, ^S
- Symmetry Breaking and Bifurcations in the Periodic Orbit Theory.II : Spheroidal Cavity
- Symmetry Breaking and Bifurcations in the Periodic Orbit Theory. II : Spheroidal Cavity
- Analysis of Collective- Noncollective Couplings in a Degenerate Many j-Shell Model : Nuclear Physics
- 27aXA-2 非軸対称超変形核のウォブリング運動
- クランキング模型の3次元回転への拡張にむけて(基研長期研究会「原子核集団運動の非線形動力学」,研究会報告)
- 高スピン・イラストからのGMRとGQR(高スピン核構造への微視的アプローチ,研究会報告)
- 高スピン・イラスト領域における集団モードと準粒子モードの競合 : diabatic表示の有効性(Interplay of Collective and Independent-Particle Modes,核内運動モードの集団性,研究会報告)
- 回転系でのShell Model + RPA(原子核の高スピン状態の理論的研究,研究会報告)
- Effects of Octupole Vibrations on Quasiparticle Modes of Excitation in Superdeformed ^Hg : Nuclear Physics
- Octupole Vibrations in the Harmonic-Oscillator-Potential Model with Axis Ratio Two to One : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Description of Anharmonic Gamma-Vibrations by Means of the Selfconsistent-Collective-Coordinate Method. III
- 31aSC-9 Skyrme HFB法による、A≈60-80、Z=N領域での非軸対称変形の研究
- Symmetry Breaking and Bifurcations in the Periodic Orbit Theory. I : Elliptic Billiard
- Octupole Vibrations Built on Superdeformed Rotational Bands : Progress Letters
- Quasiparticle-Vibration Couplings in Rotating Triaxial Odd-A Nuclei : Nuclear Physics
- Signature Dependence of M1 and E2 Transitions in Rotating Triaxial Odd-A Nuclei
- Semiclassical Analysis of the Supershell Effect in Reflection-Asymmetric Superdeformed Oscillator : Nuclear Physics
- Octupole Instability of the Closed-Shell Configurations in the Superdeformed Oscillator Potential : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Description of Anharmonic Gamma-Vibrations by Means of the Selfconsistent-Collective-Coordinate Method. II : Nuclear Physics
- Applicability of the Canonical Quantization Procedure for the Collective Hamiltonian Derived by the SelfConsistent-Collective-Coordinate Method : Nuclear Physics
- Monopole and Quadrupole Giant Resonances in Rotating Triaxially Deformed Nuclei. II : A Microscopic Description of the Isoscalar and Isovector Modes : Nuclear Physics
- Triaxiality Dependence of Octupole Excitations on Superdeformed States in ^Ti
- Monopole and Quadrupole Giant Resonances in Rotating Triaxially Deformmed Nuclei : Nuclear Physics
- 30p-F-1 空間対称性に制限のない3次元空間の正方メッシュ表現によるCranked Skyrme Hartree-Fock法にもとづくS32の高スピンでのエキゾチック変形の研究
- A Model Analysis of Triaxial Deformation Dynamics in Oblate-Prolate Shape Coexistence Phenomena
- Rotational Frequency Dependence of Octupole Vibrations on Superdeformed States in ^Ca
- Microscopic Derivation of Collective Hamiltonian by Means of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method : Shape Mixing in Low-Lying States of ^Se and ^Kr
- Gauge-Invariant Formulation of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method
- Effects of Time-Odd Components in Mean Field on Large Amplitude Collective Dynamics
- Collective Path Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Local Minima in ^Se
- Application of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method to a Solvable Model of Prolate-Oblate Shape Coexistence
- Diabatic Mean-Field Description of Rotational Bands in Terms of the Selfconsistent Collective Coordinate Method
- Periodic-Orbit Bifurcation and Shell Structure in Reflection-Asymmetric Deformed Cavity : Nuclear Physics
- Semiclassical Origin of Superdeformed Shell Structure in the Spheroidal Cavity Model : Nuclear Physics
- Collective Paths Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Shapes in ^Se and ^Kr Suggested by the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Comparative Study of Octupole Excitations on Superdeformed States in ^S, ^S, ^Ca and ^S(Nuclear Physics)
- 原子核のシェル構造と変形(レビューの要旨)(原子核とマイクロクラスターの類似性と異質性,研究会報告)
- 原子核のシェル構造と変形(原子核とマイクロクラスターの類似性と異質性,研究会報告)
- 30p-CL-2 非調和的γ振動における副殻構造効果(30pCL 原子核理論)