日本婦人の羊水量に關する研究 : 第1編 正常妊娠末期(分娩時)に於ける羊水量
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It is believed that quantity of the amniotic fluid varies very much individually even in cases of normal pregnancy at term. It is quite natural that there may be some difference in the amount according to races. In our country the normal quantity has been believed to be 1 liter on an average since it was not measured. The information was obtained from German books. In 1947 Prof. H. Yagi said that it may be smaller in quantity and the accurate measurement should be done. The quantity of liquor amnii was measured in our obstetric dept. The method used was to measure the quantity absorbing it on sterilized cloth and determining the difference of weight. Out of 519 cases of full term labors, 129 were noted accurately. Ages 19-42 years. Duration of pregnancy 258-315 days. The results are as follows: 1) The average quantity of the whole liquor was 240-300 cc, much less than the hitherto theoretical value. Therefore our definition of normal and abnormal quantity must be changed. 2) The quantity is larger in cases of large placenta as well as large fetus than in small ones. It can be said that multiparas, who generally carry larger children, have a larger amount of liquor than primiparas. This coincides with the fact that the hydramnios occurs more frequently in multiparas. 3) No difference is noted as to the sex of fetuses and the climate. 4) No co-relation is found between the quantity of the liquor and the time of delivery. 5) The quantity of fore-fluid in the bag considerably varies, the average being 40-70cc. Large bags are found mostly in cases of malproportion between pelvis and the presenting head, or in cases of multiparas. 6) In these 129 the entanglements of umbilical cord are not always found in cases of larger quantities of the amniotic fluid, as has hitherto been believed.
- 1951-07-01
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- 日本婦人の羊水量に關する研究 : 第1編 正常妊娠末期(分娩時)に於ける羊水量
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- 日本婦人の羊水量に關する研究