- 論文の詳細を見る
As described in part I, the normal quantity of liquor amnii of the Japanese women at term is much less than that of the European and American women. The abnormal quantities should therefore be measured in order to have a proper definition for its limitation. The author carried out during the period from Dec. 1947 to Nov. 1950 accurate measurements of the liquor of the in-patients at the Obst. Dept. of the Okayama University Hospital. The results are as follows: 1) Definition applicable to the Japanese women: Oligohydramnios・・・under 100 cc Normal quantity of the liquor・・・100-600 cc Limits from normal to Hydramnios・・・600-1000 cc Hydramnios・・・over 1000 cc Following this new classification some statistical observations were made, thus: 2) Frequency: Hydramnios・・・(0.79≦p≦2.55)%(α=0.1) Oligohydramnios・・・(7.96≦p≦12.27)%(α=0.1) 3) Hydramnios occurs mostly in multiparas, and is often complicated by premature labor, abnormal presentation and attitude and feeble labor pains. The fetus and placenta are larger than in normal cases. 4) Oligohydramnios is not always predominant in primiparas. The fetus is smaller. The placenta is, however, normal. As to the incidence of its complications, it is almost the same as in the normal delivery, except malpresentation and abnormal attitude. 5) The fetal deformities can be considered either of congenital or exogen-amniotic origine occurring in the early stage of prengancy. As oligohydramnios also begins in the early stage of pregnancy, it may be closely related to the fetal deformities. Chronic hydramnios occuring in later stage of pregnancy may apparently have little connection with the fetal deformity. Only a certain kind of fetal deformities, however, accelerates the formation of hydramnios. Part III On the Quantity of Liquor Amnii at Every Month of Pregnancy. The quantity of liquor amnii was measured by means of dye injection at every stage of pregnancy and the following results were obtained: 1) The average quantity of liquor is 23cc at the end of the 3rd month, 210cc・・・4th month, 416cc・・・5th month. 427cc・・・6th month, 398cc・・・7th month, 359cc・・・8thmonth, 307 cc・・・9th month of pregnancy. 2) The absolute quantity begins to decrease from the 7th month of pregnancy. This shows that the quantity of liquor of Japanese women is quite different from that of German women, as described by Zangemeister and Grosser. The relative quantity decreases gradually from the 4th month of pregnancy. This is a valuable factor, favoring a fetus to have a normal presentation and enabling it to have a normal delivery. 3) The period, when the liquor quantity increases most, coincides with the period at which the formation of the placenta is completed, after which the uterus grows rapidly, i. e. the 4th & 5th months of pregnancy. 4) The inner pressure of the uterus is (20.3≧m≧14.3) cm, and is higher than that of the cerebrospinal fluid. It is also higher in primipara than in multipara, the peak being at the 6th month of pregnancy. So far as the normal quantity is concerned, the pressure of the amniotic fluid has no direct relation with its quantity. 5) No direct relation was observed between the quantity of liquor amnii and the length of the anterior uterine wall.
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1951-10-01
- 316 膀胱瘤を合併した***脱患者に対する膀胱頚部吊り上げ術の適応とGhoniem検査の有用性について
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