胎生期子宮内環境の悪化に起因する出生後の肥満,生活習慣病発症機序の解析 : 脂肪細胞ならびに胎盤由来因子によるエネルギー代謝調節の視点から(<特集>第56回学術講演会シンポジウム1 : 胎児の発育・分化とその異常)
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Epidemiological studies revealed that fetal undernutrition is a risk factor of obesity and related disorders, such as impaired glucose and lipid metabolism, in later life. Permanent alteration of organs.during the developmental process caused by poor intrauterine environment is called "fetal programming". However mechanisms have been hardly elucidated. Increasing evidence demonstrates that adipocytokines, such as leptin, resistin and adiponectin are involved in the development of obesity and related disorders. Here, I hypothesized that production of adipocytokines or sensitivity to them is altered by poor fetal nutrition, thereby leading to high risks of obesity and related disorders. In human subjects, leptin and resistin are expressed in the placenta. However, contribution of the placenta as an origin of these factors in fetal circulation was estimated to be relatively small. Umbilical plasma leptin and adiponectin levels were decreased in IUGR infants, suggesting a decreased leptin and adiponectin production in fetal adipose tissue. Then, we developed a mice IUGR model by maternal food restriction, in order to examine infantile and neonatal adipocytokines production from adipose tissue. With restricted adipose tissue development, leptin, resistin and adiponectin gene expression were decreased in subcutaneous tissue of IUGR fetus. In neonatal catch up period, leptin, but not resistin and adiponectin, gene expression was augmented in adipose tissue from IUGR offspring. We further examined body weight and energy metabolism in IUGR offspring at older ages. IUGR offspring showed prominent obesity under high fat diet, along with impaired insulin sensitivity and hypercholesteremia, indicating that mice IUGR model in the present study provide a good model to investigate mechanisms of fetal programming. They showed decreased sensitivity to exogenous leptin even before growing obesity. Therefore, it was suggested that increased neonatal leptin production and following leptin resistance might be involved in the development of obesity and related disorders in subjects with intrauterine undernutrition.
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 2004-09-01
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