- 論文の詳細を見る
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies of the liver in animal and adult humans have been reported by many authors recently. However, as far as cholestatic diseases of infancy are concerned, no reports have appeared in literature. The present study extends SEM observations to the luminal surface of the hepatic biliary system in order to clarify among the various cholestatic diseases of infancy. Liver biopsy specimens from 50 patients [26 with biliary atresia (BA), 4 with intrahepatic cholestasis (IHC), 3 with paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts, 12 with choledochal cyst and 5 normal controls (1mo. 7mo. 1y. 2y. 54y.)] were studied. 1) In the cases studied with choledochal cysts, hepatic cells were already transformed into one-cell-thick plate in all cases more than 2 years old, and bile canaliculi (BC) and interlobular bile duct (BD) appeared to be normal. In the cases with dilated intrahepatic bile ducts, BC and BD appeared to be almost normal. When jaundice presented as acomplication just before or at the time of operation, however, the evidence of secondary damage was observed at the level of BC and BD. It is therefore suggested that pathological changes a ssociated with choledochal cysts in located at the large extra- and intra-hepatic bile ducts. 2) In IHC, BC dilatation and disappearance of the BC microvilli was demonstrated.In contrast, BD showed and almost normal appearance. It is therefore suggested that regurgitation of bile in IHC occurs at the level of the BC or canaliculo-ductular junciton (C-DJ). 3) With paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts, pathological change of the BC appeared to be similar to that of IHC. BD was partly abnormal. Discontinuity of BD was demonstrated in some portions of the liver in a few cacses. 4) In BA the majority of cases at the time of the initial operation had two-cell-thick plates of liver cells, the same as that of normal controls less than one year old, BC and BD were moderately injured. At the second biopsy of the liver 2 or 3 months after the successful initial operation, marked improvement of BC was observed, and BD had recoverd to some degree. Improvement of BC suggests that obstruction of bile does not occur at the level of neither the BC, C-DJ nor bile ductules. At the third biopsy of the liver 2 or 3 years after the operation without cholestasis, BC were almost normal and hepatic cells had transformed into one-cell-thick plates, but occasionally in some portions of the liver, two-cell-chick plates remained. In contrast, impairment of the microvilli and cilia of the BD was still evident in all cases, especially in those cases complicated with postoperative cholangitis. Therefore the biliary system in BA does not show complete resolution 2 or 3 years afters operation.
- 日本小児外科学会の論文
- 1985-08-20
- 甲状腺癌手術後における頚部乳糜漏の4例
- 15.観血的整復術を行った回腸回腸型および回腸回腸結腸型腸重積6例の検討(第58回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 10.小児の外傷性十二指腸壁内血腫の治験例(第33回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
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- 3.左心症に合併し,重複胆管開口を有した先天性十二指腸膜様閉鎖の1例(第33回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 10.慢性便秘症患児での H 病犬 Screening の試み(第32回 日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 12.乳児に発生したGrawitz腫瘍の1例(第6回東北地区小児悪性腫瘍症例検討会)
- 44. 先天性胆管拡張症の外科的治療 : とくに再手術例の検討(第11回日本胆道外科研究会)
- 68 先天性胆道閉塞症術後症例に対する経時的肝胆道シンチグラフィーの応用
- 右腎原発横紋筋肉腫の1例
- 11.先天性胆道閉塞症術後食道静脈瘤出血例における内視鏡的検討(第12回日本小児内視鏡研究会)
- 171 血中ケトン体比による先天性胆道閉塞症患児の肝機能評価の試み
- 16.当科における小児内視鏡検査の現況(第11回日本小児内視鏡研究会)
- 211 腸閉鎖症腸管の組織学的、組織化学的検討
- 10.巨大嚢腫状胎便性腹膜炎の治療経験(第24回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 23.下咽頭梨状窩瘻の1例(第47回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 19.先天性胆道拡張症根治手術後肝内結石を合併した小児例の経験(第46回 日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 18.兄弟に発生したヒルシュスプルング病(第42回 日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 8.臍帯ヘルニアに合併した臍腸管瘻より回腸脱のみられた1例(第40回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 17.「先天性結腸閉鎖症の1治験例」(第38回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 先天性胆道閉塞症術後の食道静脈瘤の検討 : とくに出血例の内視鏡的所見について
- 29 先天性胆道拡張症の肝内胆管拡張例における術後遠隔成績の検討
- 239 先天性胆道閉塞症術後食道静脈瘤発生時期に関する検討
- 233 先天性胆道閉塞症術後早期の肝組織の推移 : 特に胆汁排泄良好例についての検討
- 232 手術所見からみた胆道閉塞 : とくに胆管系、血管系の位置関係と術後胆汁排泄状態について
- 22.先天性胆道閉塞症長期生存例について(第2報)(第13回胆道閉鎖症研究会)
- 13.尿膜管臍瘻の1例(第37回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 5.興味ある経過をとったCystic Hygromaの1例(第37回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 11.皮フ筋炎に合併した空腸の穿孔性腹膜炎の1例(第36回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
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- 先天性胆道閉塞症の術後経過と黄疸の消褪に関する研究
- 27 自然吻合を来した極小未熟児食道閉鎖症の一例
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- 幼児横隔膜原発横紋筋肉腫の1例と本邦報告例の検討
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- 9.教室におけるrhabodomyo sarcoma の治療(第28回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 2.先天性膀胱臍尿瘻の1例(第28回日本小児外科学会東北地方会)
- 28.先天性胆道閉塞症の術後患者への PGE_2 経口投与の試み(第10回胆道閉鎖症研究会)
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