- 論文の詳細を見る
Undescended testis is a common pediatric surgical problem, and in the majority of instances a straightforward orchidopexy with preservation of both the spermatic vessels and the vas is possible. However, with a high undescended testis the spermatic vessels do not have sufficient length to permit a conventional orchidopexy. Staged operation and "long loop vas" operation are the current methods for these cases. There is, however, a relatively high rate of failure after these procedures. To determine the effects of division of the spermatic vessels, 93 rats were divided into four groups according to their weight and position of the testis. Spermatic vessels were divided either at the inguinal canal, or halfway between their origin and the internal ring (abdominal level). The results show that: 1) testis in which the vessels were divided at the inguinal level showed distinct degeneration from infarction one month after the operation or postoperatively, in all group, 2) testis in which the vessels were divided at the abdominal level appeared normal. These results show that division of the vessels at the abdominal level is preferred over the inguinal level in rats.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本小児外科学会の論文
- 1983-05-20
千葉 庸夫
E. Thomas
Columbus Children's Hospital Ohio U.s.a.
Gloria Staples
Columbus Children's Hospital, Ohio, U.S.A.
Gloria Staples
Columbus Children's Hospital, Ohio, U.S.A.
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