Ground State of the Classical XY Model with Twofold Symmetry Breaking Field Pertainning to the Devil's Staircase
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The [sing model and the classical XY taaodel xx'ith frtrstratitug second nearest neighbotrr inferaction in an axial direction laarve qtrzrlitatively different properties to each other both at grotrndstate and in tlae finite tenajcerattrre. The XY tnodel exposed to the syuntnetry breaking field withtxx'of'old synanaetry is here introdtrced, xvhich is redtrced to the Ising ttaodel, that is, the ANNNItnodel in the Iiuaait of the strong field strength. The grotrnd state of this unodel is exazaained,in xvhich the f'reedoraa of' the XY spin is shoxvn to be strjcpressed at ratther staaall strengtlt of' thesyraataaetry breaking field and atccordiragly tlae Ising properties dorninate in large area on 2111 interaction parataueter X'CISLIS field diagratn, xxvhile the f'reedotaa of XY spin survives only at an areaxvith weak field. This restrlt S(l;CIIIS to explain why the strccessive phase transitions o1.cserved inferro- and ?rntiferro-electric srtaectic Iiqtrid crystals can occtrr.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-01-15
- On Antiferroelectric Smectics Exhibiting Successive Phase Transitions in the Electric Field
- Ground State of the Classical XY Model with Twofold Symmetry Breaking Field Pertainning to the Devil's Staircase
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