Optical Properties of Cobalt-Doped Lithium Niobate
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The optical absorption spectrum for Co-doped LiNb03 was measured below25,000 cm- ' at 77 K and room temperature. The data was analyzed by the crystalfield theory. Level splitting of the excited 'Tg. state of Co" due to spin-orbitcoupling and the trigonal field was identified. The results give B=850cm=',Z)<7=900cm-', (=628cm ', and l.= -768cm-' for Co", and 7)@=l600cm - ' for Co' " . The circular dichroism (CD) for the 'I),-+'7'j, band of Co' " wasmeasured in the k ? c configuration. It is shown that CD off-resonance in thisconfiguration is directly proportional to the difference in absorption for theordinary and extraordinary waves and to the off-diagonal element of the dielectrictensor lm e'n(k, co) for the medium with leS(&, a)/(a. -e.)l<<I. The observed CDshows frequency dispersion in good agreement with the phenomenological theory.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-06-15
RCA Research Laboratories, Inc.
Fujita Hiizu
Rca Research Laboratories Inc.
INOUE Michiko
RCA Research Laboratories,Inc.
RCA Laboratories
Inoue Michiko
Rca Research Laboratories Inc.
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