Long-Term Relaxation of a Composite System in Partial Contact with a Heat Bath : General Physics
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We study relaxational behavior from a highly excited state for a composite system in partial contact with a heat bath, motivated by an experimental report of long-term energy storage in protein molecules. The system consists of two coupled elements: The first element is in direct contact with a heat bath, while the second element interacts only with the first element. Due to this indirect contact with the heat bath, energy injected into the second element dissipates very slowly, according to a power law, whereas that injected into the first one exhibit,s exponential dissipation. The relaxation equation describing this dissipation is obtained analytically for both the underdamped and overdamped limits. Numerical confirmation is given for both cases.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2000-10-15
Nakagawa Naoko
Department Of Information And Media Sciences The University Of Kitakyusyu
Nakagawa N
Kobe Univ. Kobe
Nakagawa Naoko
Department Mathematical Sciences Ibaraki University
Kaneko Kunihiko
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
KOMATSU S.Teruhisa
Department of Environmental Science, JAERI
Komatsu Teruhisa
Department Of Applied Physics The University Of Tokyo
Komatsu S.teruhisa
Department Of Environmental Science Jaeri
Nakagawa Naoko
Department Of Mathematical Sciences Ibaraki University
Kaneko Kunihiko
Department Of Basic Science Graduate School Of Arts And Science The University Of Tokyo
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