Type-III Bifurcation to Chaos in Self-Oscillating States of Squid Giant Axons
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This paper describes detailed biftrrcation characteristics of firing (titne sequence of action po-tentials) observed in sqtrid giarnt 21XOIlS as a ftrnction of tenaperattrre. The firing is spontaneotrslyinduced when the axon is itnmersed in C?r-reduced AS VX' (Artificial seawater) withotrt any eJectricat stiuntulation. The firing observed above a critical tetnperature (high-tenuperature phase firing)is periodic, while the one below the critical teunperature (loxv-tenaperatttre) is aperiodic, Otrrpresent analysis on the firing shows that aperiodic firing is chaotic, and bifurcation frona periodicoscillation to chaos occurs through the type-III intermittency. The type-III biftrrcation to chaosshotrld take place through sotne tetuaperatttrre-dependent properties of the axonal naetnbrane initself. One of the naost probable candidates trnderlying chaos and bifurcation mechanisnas in thisexperitment cotuld be temperatture-dependednt spatial interaction along the longitttdinal directionof the squid giant axon.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-07-15
Matsumoto Gen
Brain Science Institute The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Hanyu Yoshiro
Supermolecular Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory
Tsukuba University,Dept. of Electronic Infomation Engineering
HANYU Yoshiro
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Hanyu Y
National Inst. Advanced Ind. Sci. And Technol. (aist) Ibaraki Jpn
Shimokawa Kazuro
Tsukuba University Dept. Of Electronic Infomation Engineering:electrotechnical Laboratory
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