Initial Value Problem of the Toroidal Ion Temperature Gradient Mode
- 論文の詳細を見る
The initial valtre problem of the toroidal ion texnperattnre gradient mode is stttdied based on theLaplace trartsfortau of the ion gyrokir'xetic eqtration and tlae electron Boltzmann relation with theclaarge netrtrality condition. Dtre to the toroidal rauagnetuc drift, tire Laxplace-transformed densityattd potential pertttrbations laave a braxracla cttt as xvell as poles on the connplex-frequency plane.The inverse Laplace transfortm shows tlnat time teuaajooral evoltrtion of' tlae density and potentialperturlcations consists of the nor'raaal raaodes and tlae contintttrraa uaaode, xvlaich correspond to con-tribtrtions fronn tlae poles and the branch cut, respectively. The nortnal raaodes have exponentialtime dependence with the eigenf'reqtrencies deternairaed Joy the disjoersiorr relation xvltile the con-tinuurn naode shows power-law decay oscillation. For the stalcle catse, tlae long-time asytmptoticbehavior of the potential and density perttrrbatiorus is donainated by the contintruzn rnode whichdecays slower than the nortnal nuodes.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
岡本 正雄
Horton Wendell
Institute For Fusion Studies The University Of Texas At Austin
Sugama Hideo
National Institute for Fusion Science
Okamoto Minoru
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University:ibaraki Electrical Communication
KANNO Ryutaro
National Institute for Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Kuroda T
Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Kanno R
National Institute For Fusion Science
Kanno Ryutaro
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Niigata University
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