Relation between TCLE Method and Relaxation Method.II
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A general fortta of adrnittance is derived usi??g the rel?txation uaaethod trnder therraaal equilil*-ritmtn initial conditiotus f'rona a second-order TCL eqtration wit,h no external driving ternas. Itsadumittance is shown to inclttde the two interference terzns in tlae TCLE raaetlaod (znethod of TCLeqtmations xvitla external driving terrtas). Effects of the first and secouad interf'erence teruaus in theTCLB method are ntttauerically disctrssed f'or a qtmazatal sjoin (trnagnitude 172) ittteraeting xvith aspin-like b?rth and with a boson-lilce batla, respectively. It is showua that tlae first interferenceterum which represents effects of tlae initial correlation and xvhich is neglected ita the relaxationraaethod trnder decoupled initi?tl conditiorus of the spin and bath, prodtmces tlae ef['ects wlaich (II)l'l-hance tlae peaks of line shapes sliglatly and xvhich abase the line shapes at the sraaall freqtrencyregion, atnd beconaes larger as the cl'aaracteristic freqtrency of the laeatt batlt becoraaes sraaaller.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-12-15
Saeki M
Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst. Ibaraki
SAEKI Mizuhiko
Toyama National College of Maritime Technology,Ebie Neriya
Saeki M
Toyama National Coll. Maritime Technol. Toyama
Saeki Mizuhiko
Toyama Mercantile Marine College
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