脊髄の興奮性と反応時間の関係 : 下肢底屈・背屈反応動作について
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The present study attempted to approach to the neurophysiological aspects of the organization of overt motor response in a simple reaction time (RT) situation, in particular to investigate closely the correlation between the RT and the facilitation of monosynaptic reflex (H-reflex) which occurs just prior to the onset of a voluntary movement (plantar and dorsal flexion of foot) and the effects of eliciting H-reflexes on RTs. As amplitudes of H-reflexes are reflected on the state of excitability of the pool of spinal alpha motor neurones resulted from motor commands from the upper center (supraspinal influence) in the case of a voluntary movement, the investigation of correlation between amplitudes of H-reflexes and RTs can clarify the mechanism of motor system. H-reflexes were elicited from human subjects (8 male students) at various intervals (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100msec) after the reaction signal (RS), and RTs (EMG-RT) were recorded simultaneously. Major results may be summarized as follows; 1) The statistically significant negative correlations between amplitudes of H-reflexes and RTs were recognized. 2) Those results were similarly recognized regardless to the relation between the H-reflex eliciting foot and the reacting foot ipsilateral or contralateral whenever those muscles were corresponding. 3) But, no significant correlations were found between RTs and amplitudes of H-reflexes elicited from antagonists. From those results, the neurophysiological aspects of the specific and non-specific (general) interaction from the upper motor center were discussed.
- 1980-09-01
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