運動パターンの違いによる反応時間の変動量 : 利き手・非利き手および肢位変化による影響
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Reaction time experiments have been often used to investigate variables affecting the motor output process by manipulating parameters of movements of certain body segments. The pattern of such movements may be expressed as a variable depending upon the motor output process; for example, electromyographic reaction times (EMG-RTs) of the biceps brachii muscle are reportedly different each other between the times when elbow is flexed and when the forarm is supinated. The purpose of the present study was to analyse the influence of the monitoring process on the motor output process of the brain measuring the EMG-RT of the right and the left biceps brachii muscles for the flexion and the supination in two upper limb position changes (neutral and facilitation positions) under two conditions ; with and without a warning signal (W+ and W - conditions). Two experiments were performed on fifty students at Kokushikan University, majoring physical education in the test of neutral position and forty student also at Kokushikan majoring physical education in the test of facilitation position, whose age varied from eighteen to twenty-two years. They were paid volunteers and right handed according to their self report. Major results may be summarized as follows: 1. The EMG-RTs under flexion and supination changed by the presence or the absence of a warning signal. Under the W+ condition, the EMG-RTs of both movement patterns were shorter than those of W-. 2. In every condition, the EMG-RTs under supination were always shorter than those under flexion. 3. There were significant regressions of EMG-RT difference between flexion and supination to one's EMG-RT under elbow flexion. This tendency was not affected by the changes of one's EMG-RT. 4. Under the W- condition, the significant regression of preferred hand was not observed in the neutral position. 5. In the biceps failitation position, the regression coefficient of the preferred hand was not equal to that of the nonpreferred hand under the W+ condition. From those results, it is suggested that there may be two motor output functions in the central nervous system, the first being the function which raises difference in the EMG-RTs between the two movement patterns, and the other, that the EMG-RT difference between the two movement patterns depends upon one's EMG-RT under elbow flexion. Moreover, the former is not influenced by excitement level,the brain dominance or the informations from the peripheral system, but the latter is influenced by excitement and the informations from the peripheral system. The present study suggests that there might be two different functions in the central nervous system in relation with motor output function, i.e., programming of the movement patterns, and modification of such movement patterns.
- 1982-09-01
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